Top 6 Books Under 100 Pages

Top 6 Books Under 100 Pages

Are you looking for some books under 100 pages?

Sometimes, the best stories come in small packages.

Even though everyone tells you that War and Peace (a 1,000+ page novel) is the epitome of literature, I’m a big believer in short books.

If an author can be profound AND keep my attention? That’s a win-win.

So, let me show you some of my top recommendations for books under 100 pages.

Why Short Books Matter

Short books matter to me because they’re a saving grace for my attention span.

Although social media platforms like TikTok are wonderful places for community, laughter, and many other helpful things, they are unfortunately the only things that entertain me these days.

But, I don’t want to give up reading altogether. And I don’t think you do, either.

So it’s on us to find short books to re-engage us again. Because let’s face it, you don’t want to pick up Les Miserables or The Count of Monte Cristo.

Short books (especially those under 100 pages) are great for devouring in one sitting. They grab you and don’t let go, even after you’ve turned the last page.

Whether you’re looking for a quick read for a cozy weekend or an easy escape during your lunch break, short books will do the trick. 

Top 6 Books Under 100 Pages

Here are some of my top picks for books under 100 pages!

1. And Every Morning the Way Home Gets Longer and Longer

And every morning the way home gets longer and longer

It’s an awful thing to miss someone who’s still here.

There’s one thing you need to know about Fredrick Backman: he always packs an emotional punch.

So if you’re not ready to cry, maybe don’t give this one a go. 

But sometimes you need one. 

And Every Morning the Way Home Gets Longer and Longer is about a grandfather and his grandson. They sit on a bench, telling stories and reminiscing.

Every day, things look different. Things get more confusing and dimmer, a reflection of the grandfather’s struggle with dementia.

You should read this if you like:

  • Cathartic crying
  • Family bonding
  • Learning how to let go

2. Blue Horses

Blue horses

Maybe the desire to make something beautiful is the piece of God that is inside each of us.

Right before I decided to become an English major in college, I took a course on the color blue. Yep, the entire class was reading blue discourse, listening to blue songs, really anything related to the color.

I was so excited that I went to a local bookstore, saw a book with the word “blue” on it (Blue Horses), and took it home.

Mary Oliver immediately became my favorite poet. I loved her love affair with nature, and I found my body singing with every line she wrote.

You should read this if you like:

  • Poetry
  • Nature
  • Reflection
  • And the color blue?

3. Don’t Call Us Dead

Don't call us dead

prediction: the cop will walk free
prediction: the boy will still be dead

Danez Smith is another must-read poet. 

In Don’t Call Us Dead, they reckon with topics like race, police brutality, AIDS, and much more. It packs a serious punch, and I would recommend it to anyone.

There’s a current of anger and grief running through this poetry collection. It’s so raw that it gives you goosebumps. 

I ended up dog-earing most of the poems (I can already hear the screams of horror)

But seriously, go read it. 

You should read this if you like:

  • Poetry
  • Discussion of race and grief
  • Beautiful writing

4. Bluets


I want you to know, if you ever read this, there was a time when I would rather have had you by my side than any one of these words; I would rather have had you by my side than all the blue in the world.

Surprise, surprise. Another book from my “Blue” class.

While reading about the color blue, of course we had to read Bluets.

It’s hard to describe exactly what Bluets is. At first, it seems like a theoretical discussion of the color blue through the lens of poetry.

But it bleeds into much more. 

There are strings of love and grief. It’s almost difficult to know what Bluets is about, but I’d say you know it when you read it.

You should read this if you like:

  • Poetry mixed with prose
  • Beautiful writing
  • And the color blue?

5. The Giving Tree

The giving tree

I am sorry, Boy, but I have nothing left to give you.

The Giving Tree is one of those books that we probably all read in our childhood.

But have you gone back to re-read it recently?

It’s much sadder and more nuanced than I remember it being. Albeit, I read this book at a very young age.

I think the Giving Tree could be about a lot of things. Capitalism, climate change, or just the reality of taking too much of what you’re given.

Regardless, it has a place in my heart forever.

You should read this if you like:

  • Children’s books with very adult morals
  • Cathartic crying
  • Classics

6. Animal Farm

Animal farm

All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.

You don’t see me recommending many classics, so when you do you know they’re good. (They’ll almost always be short too)

Animal Farm is a satirical novel about a group of farm animals who rise up against their abusive farmer and take control of the farm. Unfortunately, their reign is worse than the original leadership.

It’s a classic for a reason, although I still disagree with my school making me read this in middle school. How was I supposed to know about the Russian government in the 20th century??

But now I re-read it with fondness. George Orwell is a great writer, and even though it’s a classic, those 100 pages go by quickly.

You should read this if you like:

  • Classics
  • Self-governing animals
  • Political criticism

FAQs About Books Under 100 Pages

What is a 100-page book called?

Usually, a 100-page book is called a novella.

How long should my first book be?

Most writers and readers agree that books fall within 80,000 to 100,000 words. Over 40,000 words is a novel, so try to aim for this minimum word count for your first book. 

What is the minimum pages to be called a book?

There’s no set number of pages that immediately qualify something as a book. As you saw in this blog post, books can be as short as 100 pages or less. But, other authors like Brandon Sanderson write novels that are over 1,000 pages. 


That’s it! I hope I helped you find some books under 100 pages.

While you’re here, check out some more (amazing?) insights from a chronically online 24-year-old:

What is your favorite book under 100 pages? Let me know in the comments!

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